Jean-Pierre Roffi
My work is an exploration of human behaviour, not direcly from life, but through available contemporary media such as films, digital imagery (Internet screen shots, computer games, scanned magazines, newspapers photos, etc.). These found images often convey a straightforward message which I would qualify as "prêt à consommer" (ready to consume). I then transform them, blurring their initial meaning in order to propose alternative narratives allowing the viewer to revisit our social habits and history from different perspectives.
My latest research have led to a body of work inspired by old and modern rituals involving strong feelings like religious devotion, fanatism, trance and frenzy.
In the initial stages, the images are created in a deliberate and controlled manner using different media such as drawing, collage and very old alternative photographic processes.
It is at their final stage, when I translate them into paintings that they seem to assume a certain degree of autonomy and evolve into something more ambiguous and unexpected, open to multiple interpretations and experiences.
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