Josie Clouting is a painter who graduated with a degree in Fine Art from Norwich University of the Arts in 2012. Josie's paintings are intuitive responses to the natural environment, inspired by the vastness and wonder of the natural world. The works are saturated with colour and vitality, reflecting her response to light, atmosphere and topography. Painting and sketching en plein air is a vital part of Josie's practice, enabling her to react to the landscape, playing with loose, immediate brush marks. Experimenting with a variety of media including oils, inks and pigments, with many large scale paintings as a result are part of the enjoyment of the creative process. Josie's physical movements creating large expansive works are an expression of the energy she feels within the landscape.

1) Which art movement do you consider most influential on your practice?
Fauvism, and German Expressionism; I’ve always been a fan of bold colours and painterly brushmarks.
2) Where do you go and when to make your best art?
I make most of my work in my studio, but I love painting outside and always take my watercolours and sketching materials out with me.
3) How do you describe your 'creative process'?
My use of colours and mark making is very intuitive. I’m always striving to explore the feeling of a place rather than focusing on details.
4) Which artist, living or deceased, is the greatest inspiration to you?
Katie Paterson. I admire her courage to explore such big ideas, and to ask questions that make us consider our place in the natural world.
5) If you weren't an artist, what would you do?
Something where I could still make things and work with my hands.
6) What do you listen to for inspiration?
Mostly folk and some jazz, and I love listening to podcasts.
7) If you could own one artwork, and money was no object, which piece would you acquire?
There’s too many to choose from…maybe a Barbara Hepworth, or a sculpture by David Nash or a David Batchelor blob painting.
8) If your dream museum or collection owner came calling, which would it be?
The Serpentine Gallery. They always have such brilliant exhibitions.
9) What is your key piece of advice for artists embarking on a fine art or creative degree today?
Make the most of all the opportunities on offer. Access to printmaking workshops, dark rooms, sculpture yards etc are rare so grab every chance to learn from the technicians and tutors.
10) What is your favourite book of all time (fiction or non fiction)?
I love sci-fi and fantasy fiction, but its hard to pick a favourite. Anything with alternate realities, magic and escapism.
11) If you could hang or place your artwork in one non-traditional art setting, where would that be?
A bothy in Scotland. I like the idea of someone stumbling across my work while exploring the landscape.
12) What was the biggest lesson your university course or time studying taught you?
To be self motivated and the importance of finding a creative community.
13) And finally, if we were to fast forward 10 years, where would we find you?
Painting outside somewhere wild.
Learn more about Josie and discover his collection of paintings.