Paul Skawinski (also known as NanoPunk) makes a variety of visual arts with chemical visuals on a self designed analogue projector, computer generated motion graphics & crypto art - NFTs. He captures translucent chemical diffusions of colours and densities with macro filmography. The content inside the petri dish is subject to chemical, physical and biological reactions which are triggered during filming process or live performance. With specific selection of fluids and liquids, Nano creates live paintings that constantly evolve into something new. With over 10 years of experience in live events, he gained recognition for his mesmerising style.

1) Which art movement do you consider most influential on your practice?
Impressionism, Bauhouse, Cubism,Pop art, Graffitt, Illusion art, Abstract art and recently NFT art.
2) Where do you go and when to make your best art?
At my dedicated studio at home. To help to improve my workflow I have finally managed to get everything into one space here in Bristol. I used to move a lot in the past.
3) How do you describe your 'creative process'?
Like other artists I get into my “zone” where I allow myself to create freely. It helps me to relfief many trapped emotions that I hold within me, after few days of madnes I feel exhausted and need to sleep a lot. It feels super therepeutical afterwards to me.
4) Which artist, living or deceased, is the greatest inspiration to you?
Many other great artists shaped and guided me throighout my life. I was amazed how one can get into a zone and transmit comething cosmic down to this planet. Vang Gogh, Kurt Cobain, Morrison, Gombrowicz, AlexGreyCosm, Damien Hirst,Yoyoi Kusama, Pollock were among people who helped me in dfifcult / self doubt times. … I apprieciate impro/expressionism and geometrical art in all forms as well. Thers so many artist with incredible talent out there. I hail to them for the inspiration given.
5) If you weren't an artist, what would you do?
I ve been passionate about cooking for a while now. To be a chef is to be an artist on a differnet level. Actually, each one of us is an artist, don’t we all create our day to day art ?
6) What do you listen to for inspiration?
All sorts of music. It can be something from techno/electronic/dub beats to Ravi Shankhar and ambient zone-out.
7) If you could own one artwork, and money was no object, which piece would you acquire?
Any of Leonardo Da Vinci’s works.
8) If your dream museum or collection owner came calling, which would it be?
It would be somebody or an institution that has found my art to be therapeutical and energy restoring at the same time. I would apprieciate a collector that would feel same way as I do about how abstract art have self-repair/healing capabilities. I genuinely belive that through light frequencies and visuals you can heal psycholgical/emotional and some physical issues that one might be experiencing. For example blue color reminds us of a cold/freeze effect From psychological perspective blue associates with space, peace, freedom and so on.
9) What is your key piece of advice for artists embarking on a fine art or creative degree today?
Be patient, persistant and mostly love the procces. You are not doing it to reach any ambitious deadline or anything. You are doing it because you love it and it feels right.
10) What is your favourite book of all time (fiction or non fiction)?
I do not read as much as when I was younger. With my recent adhd levels Im fidning it difficult to focus on reading for more than 10 minutes. However my favourite books that I read are mostly biographies. People who regardless the circumstances always keep on going along with the beat of their hearts.
11) If you could hang or place your artwork in one non traditional art setting, where would it be?
XXXL size banner next to the motorway and city entry. SpaceX satelite.
12) What was the biggest lesson your university course or time studying taught you?
Networking. All sorts. Bond with likeminded people.Have a good rep among friends and lecturers. It helps in the future when you making baby steps on your own.
13) And finally, if we were to fast forward 10 years, where would we find you?
I see myself in a remote place near meditarean in nature surrouned art/music/film studio. I imagine myself building weird robots, experimenting with art n coding, doing NFT filming and playing music. I hope by then I will have my Metaverse niche set where I could throw live events, projections or do give aways.
Learn more about Nano and discover his collection of artworks.