Beverley Gene Coraldean | The Original Online Art Gallery

Beverley Gene Coraldean

Beverley Gene Coraldean

Norwich University College of the Arts (MA Moving Image and Sound , 2015)


Beverley Gene Coraldean is solely a drawer with a passion for quality of line, detail and space. She illustrates, animates and creates bold and detailed cityscapes.


Her bachelors degree in Game Art and Design began a fascination for environment and creating complex imaginary places. For some time she has been preoccupied with cities and architecture (especially that of Italy) and using urban sketches and photographs to determine re-worked 'piled' cities concerned with visual complexity and anticipation. Her city drawings aim to excite and inspire us. 


The last two years has seen Coraldean learning the art of animation in a Masters degree in Moving Image and Sound at Norwich University of the Arts.


Having examined our individual experiences among a busy and fast paced world she explores themes of the Existential. Her recent animation work sees comic characters and their comparatively small worries about their place in society; their hopes, dreams and restrictions.


Coraldean's final Masters project is a series of animated shorts entitled 'Fear Of Missing Out' in which interviewed everyday objects consider their purpose against the backdrop of London. These animations are currently touring film festivals.


She currently illustrates for clients such as the Norfolk Wildlife Trust and creates greeting cards. She's looking forward to continuing the animated series (possibly for television) and her complex cityscapes.


59 × 84 × 3 cm
  • $895.23


Selected Exhibitions Solo Show: 'Imagine Places' at The Tea House, Elm Hill, Norwich: 2010 'Art of Norwich' St. Margerets Church, Norwich: 2011 'Marzanos' The forum, Norwich: 2012 'Norwich Christmas Art Trail: 2011 'Fakenham Arts Biennale': 2013 Norwich University of the Arts 'Masters Degree Show': 2013 Solo Show: 'Mise-en-Scene' at The Playhouse, Norwich: 2013 'Eat My Shorts' Short film Festival: London: 2013


Norwich School of Art and Design Institute Award

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