Dominic Hinchliffe | The Original Online Art Gallery

Dominic Hinchliffe

Dominic Hinchliffe

Manchester Metropolitan University (3d Design , 2001)

Dominic is a contemporary artist based in Liverpool in the North West of England. He produces paintings primarily in Indian ink, and ceramic sculpture, all based on the theme of movement. 

Dominic is passionate about exploring movement in his work and has created an amazing portfolio of dance inspired paintings. He works on paper or canvas, working fast and freely with dip pens and ink and applying the paint in bold lines and splashes of vibrant colour in order to fully express the excitement and motion. 

To capture the movement in his sculpture, he rolls and tears the clay, again working fast and freely in order to inject life into it and embody the sense of movement. The figures that he produces are created using a variety of clays, including paper clay, and fired to an earthenware temperature. He applies metal oxides and stains by brush in a loose, watercolour consistency, to enable him to work freely. This allows him to create a variety of surface finishes and obtain different 'skin' tones while still retaining the vitality and movement. 

Quote from the artist: “Dance is a transient art, each moment fleeting and impermanent. It is this essence that I am trying to capture in my work, and to make permanent the fleeting joy of performance.”

77 × 59 × 2 cm
  • $1,296.52
77 × 59 × 2 cm
  • $1,296.52
77 × 59 × 2 cm
  • $1,296.52

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