Caroline Hall | The Original Online Art Gallery

Caroline Hall

Caroline Hall

Winchester School of Art (BA Visual Art (1st), MA Fine Art, 2007 , 2007)

I work intuitively, using gesture, mark and colour to express my love of the countryside. I am inspired by landscapes as diverse as Yosemite in California, St Ives and Helford in Cornwall and the Downs around Winchester where she has her studio. Recent exhibitions include the Lynn Painter Stainer’s Prize in London, the RBSA Finalists Show in Birmingham, a landmark solo exhibition at Southampton City Art Gallery and a post-lockdown exhibition at the prestigious Penwith Gallery.

90 × 120 × 2 cm
  • 3 389,50 €
90 × 60 × 2 cm
  • 1 028,96 €
90 × 60 × 2 cm
  • 1 028,96 €


The Other Art Fair London Thu, 03/14/2019 to Sun, 03/17/2019
Hampshire Views Southampton Sat, 04/29/2017 to Mon, 08/19/2019
Hampshire Views Southampton Sat, 04/29/2017 to Mon, 08/19/2019
Visions of Abstraction London Fri, 03/18/2016 to Wed, 04/13/2016
Correspond, Turps Correspondent Painters Halifax, London, Liverpool, Winchester Sun, 02/21/2016 to Sun, 03/20/2016


Publication Title Job Title Date
Hampshire Life Art Exclusives for Newshound Sun, 10/01/2017
Flybe InFlight Magazine Featured Artist Mon, 05/01/2017
BBC1 Thu, 11/07/2013
Meridian TV 10 days Winchester Cathedral Fri, 10/25/2013

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