Michael Hunter | DegreeArt.com The Original Online Art Gallery

Michael Hunter

Michael Hunter

University Of Central Lancashire - Cumbria College Of Art & Design (Batchelor Of Arts with honours , 1994)

Digital artist focusing on Abstraction.

Michael Hunter enjoys experimenting. He is interested in the effect of shapes and forms and how they can be arranged together over interesting grounds to create space and movement. Michael enjoys experimenting with brush marks and various ways of creating textures and marks including photographing natural textures.

The digital element within Michael Hunter's work is also a very important part of the whole process. Here he can digitally enhance the marks and textures which he experimented with. Michael is able to fine tune colours to get them exactly right and he can move marks and shapes to form eye catching and unusual compositions.

Once a design becomes a finished piece, it is then stored as a high resolution file and ready to print using the exact colour space used in creating. The finished prints are produced with the best equipment, ink and papers which are approved by the Fine Art Trade Guild.

71.12 × 53.34 × 0.5 cm
  • HK$3,981.13
71.12 × 53.34 × 0.5 cm
  • HK$3,981.13
71.12 × 53.34 × 0.5 cm
  • HK$1,492.92
60 × 60 × 0.5 cm
  • HK$5,971.69
60 × 60 × 0.5 cm
  • HK$5,971.69
60 × 60 × 0.1 cm
  • HK$5,971.69
71.2 × 53.34 × 0.5 cm
  • HK$5,971.69
53.34 × 71.12 × 0.1 cm
  • HK$5,971.69
60 × 60 × 0.5 cm
  • HK$5,971.69
60 × 60 × 0.5 cm
  • HK$5,971.69
60 × 60 × 0.5 cm
  • HK$5,971.69
60 × 60 × 0.5 cm
  • HK$5,971.69
45 × 60 × 0.1 cm
  • HK$3,981.13
50 × 50 × 0.1 cm
  • HK$3,981.13
50 × 50 × 0.1 cm
  • HK$3,981.13
50 × 50 × 0.1 cm
  • HK$3,981.13

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