Louise McNaught – Artist and Author of a best-selling book | DegreeArt.com The Original Online Art Gallery

Louise McNaught – Artist and Author of a best-selling book

DegreeArt is proud to announce that Louise McNaught is now a published author with a best-selling global book called “Survival’. Louise has been approached by Templar Publishing who fell in love with her art. At the time Louise was working on a Solo Show called ’Survival, which featured all the endangered animals she had painted. As a result Templar Publishing commissioned Louise McNaught to make a beautifully illustrated book on endangered species for older children and young adults. Over the next two years, Louise worked with Big Picture Press team (part of Templar Publishing) in deciding upon and painting 20 endangered animals for this book to be called ’Survival’. Louise teamed me up with a great writer, Anna Claybourne, who did all the factual wording for the book about the different endangered species, what is being done to help them and how we can help. The book covered land, air and water mammals as well as having an insect or two. All of this needed research.

The book got sponsored by TUSK.org a charity, a well-known charity with the Royal Connection with Prince William as Patron. The book was released in the UK in September 2018 and has nearly sold out of the first run. Even more exciting for our artist is that the big publishers, The Running Press, have ordered 15,000 copies to sell in the USA in 2019! “Survival” the book is now going global - which is great for raising money for TUSK and raising awareness of the plight of these animals fighting for survival….Well done Louise. A very well deserved letter from Prince william too! Amazing!


About the Artist:

Louise McNaught completed her Fine Art Degree BSc (Hons) in 2012 at the University of Greenwich, and she has continued to work as a professional artist ever since, with international representation and also became a published Author in 2018. Her artwork has also been featured in art fairs in Milan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Stockholm, Brussels and all over the UK. Louise ‘s creations feature nature and animals, where the animals are God-like, sublime and ethereal in their presence and depiction. McNaught's work is motivated by emotive and spiritual experiences which has manifested in a mixed-media approach. Her soft style suggests a delicate relationship between nature and ourselves, making a clear point about man's destruction of nature - which flutters jewel-like in the balance. When focusing on endangered species the imagery often takes on a duality of not only what is happening to the animal itself, but also reflects how we feel psychologically about the effect the human race is having on these species. Visit Louise McNaught's profile on our wesbsite for more details and to see her work. 




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