Peggah Samaei | The Original Online Art Gallery

Peggah Samaei

Peggah Samaei

University of arts London (BA (Hons) Interior & Spatial Design , 2010)

I was born and lived in Iran until I was 18 years old. Tehran was my city before London and I have now lived in UK for the same amount of time as I was in Iran. As a child I loved my Wednesday art classes after school. Later I took out drawing lesson privately and continued for three years, never missing a session. This was cut short when my family decided to move to UK. At this point, I had come to realise that art was such an important part of me that I couldn’t live without.

Losing friend and family wasn’t easy but it is how the universe works to awaken you with a nudge. The broken bridges to my past led me to make new bridges in my present time. Moving to the UK from Iran gave me the freedom of choice. I studied spatial and interior design which allowed me to develop my practice. Following graduation from University of the Arts,  I married and became a mother the following year. After that parenting and being a mother became my second nature to arts.

My journey to understand my heritage combined with motherhood awakened my mind, body and spirit and allowed me to see beauty everywhere.

I admire all of nature but I aspire to produce detailed examinations of my surroundings and combine this with a deeper, slower look at what is in front of me and what I am absorbing in that exact moment. I try to focus on what I am feeling within and how I am communicating with the energy of my subjects; What is it trying to say? Am I listening, looking, smelling, tasting, and hearing enough? Am I silent enough for the whole of that peaceful moment? Why am I here in this moment?

Ekhart Tolle describes art in a way that describes emotions which I hope to reflect in my work. He writes; ‘Beauty arises in the stillness of your presence’. He explains that ‘beauty is an outer reflection in the world of form of your innermost essence, which is formless. Spiritual realization is to sense that essence within yourself. Nature is naturally connected with it. It’s kind of rooted in ‘Being’. That’s its natural state.’


30 × 30 × 2.5 cm
30 × 30 × 3.5 cm
30 × 30 × 2.5 cm
  • HK$6,530.39
30 × 30 × 3.5 cm
  • HK$6,530.39
30 × 30 × 3.5 cm
  • HK$6,530.39
30 × 30 × 3.5 cm
  • HK$6,530.39
30 × 30 × 3.5 cm
  • HK$6,530.39

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