Rufus Martin | The Original Online Art Gallery

Rufus Martin

Rufus Martin

University of the Arts London: Wimbledon (Set Design for Screen , 2017)

I trained at wimbledon college of the arts London, though my aptitude for 3D design and sculpture came from a much earlier age. My introduction to sculpture; like with so many people, was through my parents. My mother a portrait painter first showed me the portrait works of Augusta Savage, Jacob Epstine and Augustine Rodin and inspired me to create a bust on Michael Howells; My late mentor. Sadly Michael died suddenly and unexpectedly and my first bust was as a response to his passing and then from there I went on to create sculptures of intriguing individuals always hoping to capture some element of their past or current struggles and to create something for the good of the community they inhabit and wherever possible for posterity.

55 × 28 × 31 cm
  • $9,260.75
42 × 28 × 25 cm
  • $6,566.71


Signature Art Prize Artellite Winner 2021

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