Imogen Morris | The Original Online Art Gallery

Imogen Morris

Imogen Morris

Kingston University (Fine Art and Art History (BA hons) , 2013)

Imogen is a Birmingham based artist who creates portraits using nail and thread.

After completing a first class degree at Kingston University in Fine Art and Art History (BA hons), Imogen began working in the community arts and voluntary sector. However, 3 years ago Imogen returned to creating art for herself and began hand-stitching faces and animals by building up form in a polygonal style.

Imogen is influenced by the traditional craft of hand-embroidery but her style of work puts a contemporary spin on threadwork. Imogen’s method of making consists of wrapping thread around nails which pinpoint the contours of the face to build up a mesh-like form made up of triangles. Imogen builds up layers and layers of these triangles to detail the subjects' features and create depth to the image. Every part of this process is done by Imogen's hands. 

Imogen’s work is both bold but fragile. While the triangular forms in the subject’s face are strong and harsh, they contrast with the delicacy in the materiality of the thread itself. The accurate portrayal of the face combined with the depth of the nails creates a sense of movement and character in her subjects’ face.

67.3 × 67.3 × 5.4 cm
  • $1,933.63
67.3 × 67.3 × 5.4 cm
  • $1,933.63
67.3 × 67.3 × 5.4 cm
  • $1,933.63
100 × 100 × 1.2 cm
  • $2,315.18
150 × 100 × 1.2 cm
  • $4,397.55
100 × 100 × 1.2 cm
  • $2,703.20
120 × 240 × 1.2 cm
  • $8,019.06
100 × 90 × 1 cm
  • $1,228.73
41 × 41 × 2 cm
  • $206.94
42.5 × 32.5 × 3.5 cm
  • $109.94
42.5 × 32.5 × 2 cm
  • $109.94
107 × 87 × 4.3 cm
  • $2,457.45
44.5 × 44.5 × 3.6 cm
  • $620.83


Ikon for Artists Birmingham Mon, 05/17/2021 to Mon, 05/31/2021

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