Meet the Artist | Interview with Pamela Aminou | The Original Online Art Gallery

Meet the Artist | Interview with Pamela Aminou

Pamela Aminou is an artist who uses photography as a means of self-expression and a way to document her emotion. Through each image she makes, Pamela is able to transcribe what she felt that day and time to better understand her reality and most importantly, to interpret the world around her. Through this process, she is able to engage more deeply with where she is in space in time. Through focusing on details of both the present and the past, Pamela's goal is to make photographs that draw the viewer's attention and express how far we've come. Pamela's choice of subjects comes from her interest in aesthetics and how we are able to shape the world around us. Each subject documents our generation, growth and connection to the environment around us. 

1) Where do you go and when to make your best art?
I do not have a specific place. I create my best art when I have peace of mind. No distractions or worries.
2) Which artist, living or deceased, is the greatest inspiration to you?
From the top of my head, it has to be Da Vinci or Matisse. I am inspired by their stories. They are artists that did things their own way.
3) If you weren't an artist, what would you do?
I studied Microbiology and I currently work in a laboratory. I consider science and art to be both sides of the same coin.
4) What do you listen to for inspiration?
I listen to podcasts and quite a lot of music. I have an eclectic taste so it depends on how am I feeling on that particular day.
5) If you could own one artwork, and money was no object, which piece would you acquire?
Bleu nudes by Matisse.
6) If your dream museum or collection owner came calling, which would it be?
National History Museum. 
7) What is your key piece of advice for artists embarking on a fine art or creative degree today?
Experiment and practice a lot. Do not compare yourself with others and most importantly take the time to enjoy the journey.

8) What is your favorite book of all time (fiction or non fiction)?

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho It's easy to get lost in this book but the fundamental lesson is to follow your dreams no matter the obstacles that may and will get in your way.
9) If you could hang or place your artwork in one non traditional art setting, where would that be?
It would be in a hospital. After having worked during the pandemic in such an environment, it is clear that art can be helpful in this environment. Not only for the patients but also for the staff. Art can be healing and it has the power to create a sense of wellness in our day to day life. My art has been the best therapy for me personally. It helps us to process our lives individually and allows us to come together collectively. For me, a hospital is the exact environment where it is needed.
10) What was the biggest lesson your university course or time studying taught you?
I did not study art. I’d like to think that art chose me. Studying helped me become more organised in order to have art as part of my life.
11) And finally, if we were to fast forward 10 years, where would we find you?
I still have quite a long list of things to accomplish and I would like to think that I’ve accomplished a few of them in 10 years and hopefully be more settled in life.

Learn more about Pamela and discover her collection of photographs.

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