Meet the artists that have taken over our Instagram every Thursday in the past month! Showcasing exclusive interviews with Sarah Pooley.

1) Walk me through a typical day in the studio for you?
SP: A typical day is a large mug of coffee followed by any admin that I need to finish to clear my mind ready to paint. Then always the music goes on, which is either from my beloved play list or Radio 1’s breakfast show. I paint for an hour or two, then more coffee to evaluate my progress.
2) What is something viewers might not know about your work?
SP: My work is a collection of experiences, snapshots of a personal moment. Moments when I'm drawn to vivid colours, or elements of architecture. More recently I am drawn to the natural landscape, I search for tiny nuances of colour found in natural objects from which I can exploit.
3) What is the most challenging part of your process as an artist and what is most rewarding?
SP: The most challenging part of my process is time. I work my practice around my part time job. I find that adding just a little part of my practice to my every day helps, like reading about art in my breaks and drawing in the evening, even if it's only for 10 minutes. This is in turn very rewarding, as it keeps my mind active on my career as an artist.
4) Is there any advice you have for artists/creators during this difficult time?
SP: There are always moments where you feel lost, I think the most important tool for me to keep me from feeling this way is to keep going in my sketchbook. No-one has to see what you're doing in your sketchbook, it helps to organise the mind, which then leads to new works.