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Emma Barford

Emma Barford

Chelsea College of Art And Design (MA Fine Art , 2014)

My artworks span drawing, painting and digital media as they seek to visually articulate the dialogue between creativity, mental health and wellbeing. There is an element of spontaneity to the approach and subject matter as a method of ‘de-cluttering’ thought processes.

I am particularly interested in the modern complex of feeling disconnected or isolated whilst in the company of others. Today's digital environment creates a 'need’ to feel connected and constantly on the move, yet with this comes an overriding sense of disconnection from, distrust and self-doubt in our environment. To do this, basic principles of animation are applied to traditional 'still' art forms such as anthropomorphic form, naivety and self deprecating humour. This not only emphasises the subject matters humanistic qualities but also its value as an 'object'; place in history - a past, present and a future. 

The narratives of this suspended state, trap subjects within familiar spaces, just out of reach and provide momentary escapism into an alternative reality. There is a focus on themes such as anxiety, uneasiness, unsettled sense of place and location, hyperactivity even."


MA Fine Art – Chelsea College of Art Postgraduate Show 2014, London MA Fine Art Interim Show – Cookhouse Gallery, London Emma Barford & Emily Kathryn Stevens Pop-up Show - Chelsea College of Art, London Camden Pop-up show - MA group exhibition, London Not Knowing - Chelsea Salon Project, London         Intro Show – Cookhouse Gallery, London Free Range London Graduate Show. Gallery F Block T2, The Old Truman Brewery, London The University of Northampton, Degree Show 2010, Northampton Avenue Gallery, (h)ours, Northampton  Avenue Gallery, Spring Show, Northampton Avenue Gallery, Exploring Drawing: Northampton The Fishmarket Gallery, Freezing Art Fair, Northampton Avenue Gallery, Light- Northampton

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