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Anita Kutsarova

Sofia University (BA in Fine Art , 2006)

My intention as an artist is to create a unique and immersive experience not only a painting. I am influenced by the pure and authentic spirit of the nature. Sometimes only a thought about a place I am planning to visit could trigger a new idea for a painting.

My paintings are meditative, some of them very colourful and strong, others pastel in colour. I try to convey elements of my experiences of the places I have been. The colours of Cuba, the Scandinavia landscape, the dramatic skies of England or the sunlit Mediterranean.


Alessia Cors

Academy of Fine Arts (Painting , 2022)

I'm an italian artist, I paint large scale portraits in an expressionist style. I'm attracted by human gaze, I love to study face characteristics and to express them through colors and brushtrokes.


Premio Nazionale Arti MUR Nominated For 2023


Publication Title Job Title Date
Resto Del Carilno Due artisti in mostra a Pedaso Sun, 10/23/2022

Nikki Gerak

Goldsmiths, University Of London (Design , 2021)

I was born and raised in Hungary where I studied Fine art and Ceramic design at the School of Art, Nyiregyhaza. In 2021 I graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London in Design.

First prize Award ( 初 入選 )

Daniel de Saint-Yon

UNamur (Université de Namur) ( Bachelor of Arts and Literature , 1970)

Daniel de Saint-Yon is a Belgian artist whose paintings have been exhibited both nationally and in Japan. His artistic practice is informed and inspired by the history and cultural interaction between Europe and Japan. De Saint-Yon's figurative compositions, which mostly portray women, begin with drawings and sketches from life. He creates using oils, India ink, and amber on canvas or wood.


Kansaï Kokuten Kokuga Sosaku Kyokai (japanese ( 国画会 ) Winner 1984

Highly Commended

Deniz Gustavsson

University of Cumbria

I'm Deniz Gustavsson, a mixed media artist based in the UK. With an Arts degree and background in visual design, my work is an exercise in finding and creating beauty through movement and happy chance, drawing inspiration from my own life, experience of motherhood, femininity, childhood, personal relationships and past pain. The title for each piece is filled with meaning and is as important as the artwork itself.

Kate Matsevych


Kate Matsevych (Kate Matsevych) is an artist and illustrator based in London, UK. She grew up in Ukraine where she graduated from School of Fine Arts. Art has always been a passion of hers, since she was 2 years old, little Kate knew she wanted to be an artist.

Kate’s another big passion is traveling, discovering. She has visited more than 40 countries and lived in 7 of them. Traveling is one of her biggest inspirations. She loves to see new places, to feel new emotions, to experience new things. This is what makes her feel alive.

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